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Selasa, 16 Juni 2015

Penghemat bahan bakar EcoOBD2 Chip Tuning Box EcoOBD2 Car Chip Tuning Box

Penghemat bahan bakar EcoOBD2 Chip Tuning Box EcoOBD2 Car Chip Tuning Box 

EcoOBD2 Diesel Car Chip Tuning Box Warna Biru EcoOBD2 Diesel : Blue
EcoOBD2 Benzine  Chip Tuning Box Warna Hijau EcoOBD2 Benzine: Green

Menghemat bahan bakar  lebih dari15%

Ecoobd2 Adalah Perangkat Plug & Play  Berfungsi Sebagai :
Penghemat konsumsi bahan bakar 15 %
Mengurangi  emisi atau tingkat polusi lebih rendah.

EcoOBD2  mudah dalam Instalasi yaitu :
Cukup tancapkan ke konektor OBD2 mobil. EcoOBD2 cocok untuk semua mobil dari tahun 1996 sampai sekarang . Support protokol OBD2 yang akan meremaping atau tunning ECU ECM Mobil. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maxsimal jika mobil telah berjalan  200 km, sebab EcoOBD2 menyesuaikan diri atau menganalisa kebiasaan pengemudi dan selanjutna EcoOBD2 meremaping ECU ECM tersebut untuk mendapatkan volume injeksi yang optimal dan tingkat emisi yang rendah

Apa yang membuat EcoOBD2 mampu meremap atau tunning ?
Menurut kebiasaan mengemudi Anda maka ecu mematekan kebiasaan tersebut selanjutnya  EcoOBD2 meremaping atau tunning agar mendapatkan grafik atau pemakaian yang optimal.

Apa EcoOBD2 Chip Tuning Box?

EcoOBD2 adalah Chip Tuning Box yang dapat dipasang ke konektor OBD2 mobil Anda untuk mengurangi konsumsi bahan bakar mobil Anda.
Ketika dicolokkan ke konektor OBD2, EcoOBD2 menerima informasi dari ECU mobil komputer. Dengan data yang diterima dari ECU,
EcoOBD2 menyesuaikan tekanan boost, jumlah bahan bakar, waktu injeksi dan tekanan untuk mengurangi konsumsi bahan bakar mobil Anda.
EcoOBD2 Chip Tuning Box tidak melebihi persyaratan produsen. Ia bekerja hanya dalam toleransi mesin.
EcoOBD2  mengindentifikasi mobil Anda agar optimal.
EcoOBD2 tidak merusak mesin dan ECU komputer mobil
Tidak menimbulkan efek negatif terhadap ECM ECU .
EcoOBD2 tidak mengubah pengaturan secara permanen.
Untuk mengaktifkan kembali ke pengaturan awal mobil, hanya cabut EcoOBD2 dari konektor OBD2.
EcoOBD2 tahu kekuatan tersembunyi dari mobil Anda.
- Sampai dengan penghematan bahan bakar 15%

EcoOBD2 sangat mudah digunakan.
Plug EcoOBD2 ke konektor OBD2 mobil Anda. Dan hidupkan kunci kontak selama 30 detik selanjutnya Hidupkan mesin pada.
Pengaturan EcoOBD2 yang optimal dan terbaik untuk mobil Anda. Bahkan parameter yang berbeda untuk setiap kendaraan, EcoOBD2 bekerja atas dasar mengubah bentuk sinyal ECU. Akibatnya, meremap tunning timing injeksi maupun volume injeksi.

Perbedaan Utama Antara Ecoobd2 Chip Tuning Box Dan Remapping Metode Tuning
EcoOBD2 Chip Tuning Box mudah dilepas,dan setelah mencabut Anda kembali ke pengaturan pabrik. EcoOBD2 adalah jenis murah dan aman
Tuning. Remapping adalah perubahan permanen untuk mobil Anda. Disamping itu Biaya mahal dan Anda tidak dapat menghapusnya.
EcoOBD2 dilengkapi dengan fungsi perlindungan mesin dan 100% aman untuk mesin mobil Anda.
EcoOBD2 diproduksi pada papan sirkuit tercetak dalam teknologi SMD.
EcoOBD2 Chip Tuning box yang berkualitas tinggi.

Instalasi dan Kalibrasi
1. Lepaskan Kunci kontak anda dari silinder Key
2. Cari konektor OBD2 (*)
3. Pasang EcoOBD2 pada konector obd2 di mobil Anda.
4. Masukkan kunci dan posisikan ON (Jangan menghidupkan /start mobil)
5. Tekan buttom ulang selama sekitar 5 detik. Setelah merilis buttom, hanya menunggu untuk sementara sekitar 30-54 detik.
6. (EcoOBD2 akan berkomunikasi dan menjalin hubungan dengan ECU)
7. Start up mesin.
8. EcoOBD2 akan beradaptasi dengan mobil  Anda dan  kebiasaan mengemudi Anda, setelah sekitar 200 km / 150 mil mengemudi anda akan mendapatkan hasil yang maxsimal

Sertifikat: CE / FCC / RoHS

 Paket konten:
- EcoOBD2 Chip Tuning Box Antarmuka
- Pengguna Manuel English

Berat: 40 gr (0,04 kg)

Berminat Hubungi   :
Nama : Agus yulianto      
Alamat : Perum Puri Astapada Indah 2 Blok K/6 RT/RW 03/08
   Plosogeneng Jombang, 61416 Jawa Timur
Telp : 081332787811    

Web  :

Blog  :

Facebook Agus Yuli Obd Jatim

Lokasi toko/rumah Google map

Rp 300.000

EcoOBD2 Chip Tuning Box
Plug and Drive OBD2 Chip Tuning Box

EcoOBD2 Benzine: Green

 EcoOBD2 : Lower Fuel and Lower Emission

EcoOBD2 is a Plug&Drive Ready device to function the reducing fuel consumption for the economy and lower emission for the world.
EcoOBD2 is easy to install. Just plug it into the OBD2 connector of cars. EcoOBD2 fits all car from the year of 1996.
It works based OBD2 protocols as remaping the Car's computer ECU. After driving 200 km road total, EcoOBD2 adjusts itself to the car,
according to the drivers' habits and always keeps remaping the ECU to save fuel lower and immission.

What does EcoOBD2 make?
According to your driving habits,  EcoOBD2 makes new map in the car's computer ECU for the vehicle's lower fuel consumption.
As you driving much more KM/Mile, EcoOBD2 renews the map and adjusts itself to match your car perfectly for more fuel saving.

What is EcoOBD2 Chip Tuning Box?

EcoOBD2 is a Chip Tuning Box which can be plugged into OBD2 connector of your car to decrease the fuel consumption of your car.
When it plugged into OBD2 connector, EcoOBD2 receives the information from the car computer ECU. With the received data from ECU,
EcoOBD2 adjusts the boost pressure, quantity of fuel, injection timing and pressure to decrease the fuel consumption of your car.
EcoOBD2 Chip Tuning Box does not exceed the manufacturer requirements. It works only within the tolerance of the engine.
EcoOBD2 finds out the hidden power of your car.
EcoOBD2 does not damage the engine and the car computer ECU or not cause any negative effects to the car factory setting.
EcoOBD2 does not change any of the settings permanently. To turn back to the car's original settings, just unplug EcoOBD2 from OBD2 connector.

EcoOBD2 finds out the hidden power of your car.
- Up to 15% fuel savings

EcoOBD2 is very easy to use.
Plug EcoOBD2 into OBD2 connector of your car. And turn the ignition on for 30 seconds. And Turn the engine on.
EcoOBD2 settings are optimal and the best for your car. Even the parameters are different for each vehicle,
there might not be a need to make an additional adjustment.
EcoOBD2 will recognize your vehicle and your driving habits after around 200 km/150 miles driving,
and then EcoOBD2 adjusts itself to match your car perfectly.

EcoOBD2 works on the basis of changing the signal form ECU. As a consequence, it changes the whole injection map.
The main difference between EcoOBD2 Chip Tuning Box and Remapping tuning methods is that EcoOBD2 Chip Tuning Box is easily removable,
and after unplug you go back to the factory settings. EcoOBD2 is the cheap and safe type of tuning. Remapping is a permanent change to your car.
This is the expensive tuning and you cannot remove it. EcoOBD2 is equipped with the engine protection function and 100% safe for your car engine.
EcoOBD2 produced on the printed circuit board in SMD technology. EcoOBD2 Chip Tuning Boxes are high quality.

Installation and Calibration
1 - Pull the Car Key out from the ignition.
2 - Find OBD2 connector(*) in your car and Plug in EcoOBD2
3 - Insert the key into the ignition and twist the key to the first stage. (Do not start the car)
4 - Press the reset buttom for about 5 sec. After releasing the buttom, just wait for a while about 30-54 sec. (EcoOBD2 will communicate and establish connection with ECU)
5 - Start up the engine.
6 - EcoOBD2 will recognize your vehicle and your driving habits, after around 200 km/150 miles driving and thus EcoOBD2 will adjust itself to match your car perfectly for more fuel saving.

Each device available for LPG.

Does your car have OBD2 connector?
On-Board Diagnostics, or "OBD," is a computer-based system built into all 1996 and later light-duty vehicles and trucks,
as required by the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. OBD systems are designed to monitor the performance of some
of an engine's major components including those responsible for controlling emissions.

OBD2 necessarily for cars:
- Sold after January 1, 1996 in the USA
- Sold after January 1, 2001 in the European Union
- With diesel engine sold after January 1, 2003

(*)Where located OBD2 connector in your car?
1 Driver's side, underneath dasboard, in the area under the steering
2 Driver's side, underneath dasboard,between the driver-side door and steering column area
3 Driver's side, underneath dasboard, between the steering column area and the center console
4 Driver's side, dashboard instrument/gauge area, between the steering column and center console
5 Driver's side, dashboard instrument/gauge area, between the driver-side door and steering column
6 Center console, vertical surface  left of vehicle centerline
7 Center console, vertical surface right of vehicle centerline or on passenger side of center console
8 Center console, horizontal surface  in front passenger area.

Certificates : CE / FCC /  RoHS

Package content:
- EcoOBD2 Chip Tuning Box Interface
- User Manuel English

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